Here I list books and internet references that I have (or have made use
of) in compiling my web site. As you can tell, I have quite a collection,
dating back many years.
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The Oxford illustrated
history of Britain, Edited by Kenneth O. Morgan, Oxford University
Press 1984 |
The Oxford companion
to British history, John Cannon, Oxford University Press 1997 |
Encyclopaedia of Britain,
Bamber Gascoine, Macmillan Press 1993 |
A great general purpose
reference book |
Historical Atlas of
Britain, Malcolm Falkus and John Gillingham, Kingfisher Books 1992 |
A History of Roman
Britain, Peter Salway, Oxford University Press 1993 |
Roman Britain, I A
Richmond, Pelican Books 1963 |
The Penguin Atlas
of World History, Herman Kinder and Werner Hilgemann, Penguin Books
1974 |
Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, Oxford University
Press 1989 |
The English castle, Francois Matarasso, Caxton
Editions, 1995 |
Discovering canals in Britain, Peter L Smith,
Shire Publications Ltd, 1997 |
Discovering castles in England and Wales, John
Kinross, Shire Publications Ltd, 1995 |
Discovering place names - their origins and meanings,
John Field, Shire Publications Ltd, 1994 |
Discovering antique maps, Alan G Hodgkiss, Shire
Publications Ltd, 2000 |
Discovering archqeology in England and Wales,
James Dyer, Shire Publications Ltd, 1997 |
Discovering heraldry, Jacqueline Fearn, Shire
Publications Ltd, 1995 |
Discovering your family tree, David Iredale &
John Barrett, Shire Publications Ltd, 1995 |
Discovering abbeys and priories, Geoffret N Wright,
Shire Publications Ltd, 1998 |
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The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, Edited
by Kenneth O Morgan, Oxford University Press 1984 |
Londinium. A Descriptive map and guide to Roman
London Ordnance Survey 1983. |
A Survey of London written in the year 1598 by
John Stow with an introduction by Antonia Fraser, Sutton Publishing
Limited, reprinted 1994 |
The London Encyclopaedia, edited by Ben Weinred
and Christopher Hibbert, Adler & Adler reprinted 1993 |
City of London Past, Richard Tames, Historical
Publications Limited reprinted 1999 |
The Times London Historical Atlas, Hugh Clout,
Times Books 1997 |
Prehistoric London, Nick Merriman, Museum of London
1990 |
Saxon and Norman London, John Clark, Museum of
London 1989 |
The Lost Rivers of London, Nicholas Barton, Historical
Publications 1994 |
London as it might have been, Felix Barker and
Ralph Hyde, John Murray 1982 |
London under London - a subterranean guide, Richard
Trench and Ellis Hillman, John Murray 1994 |
Subterranean city - beneath the streets of London,
Antony Clayton, Historical Publications Ltd, 2000 |
In Search of London, HV Morton, Methuen 1951 |
A History of London, Stephen Inwood, Macmillan
1998 |
Criminal London, Mark Heber, Phillimore 2002 |
The Tower of London - a thousand years, Derek
Wilson, A&B History 1998 |
London's trams - a view from the past, Paul Collins,
Ian Allan 2001 |
The Story of London's Underground, John R Day
& John Reed, Capital Transport Publishing 2001 |
The Tower of London - The Official Illustrated
History, Edward Impey and Geoffrey Parnell, Merrell i.a.w. Historic
Royal Palaces, 2000 |
The Port of Roman London, Gustav Milne, B T Batsford
Ltd, 1985 |
I won this in the COLAS
raffle in aid of the LAARC |
Discovering London's ceremonial and traditions,
Julian Paget, Shire Publications Ltd, 1989 |
Discovering London curiosities, John Wittich,
Shire Publications Ltd, 1990 |
Discovering London plaques, Derek Sumeray, Shire
Publications Ltd, 1999 |
A Christmas present from Mum and Dad, Dec 2002. |
The changing East End - Stepney, Bethnal Green
and Poplar 1860-1960, Rosemary Taylor & Christopher Lloyd, Sutton
Publishing Ltd, 1997 |
Secret London, Andrew Duncan, New Holland Publishers
(UK) Ltd, 1998 |
London at war, 1939-1945, Philip Zeigler, Mandarin,
1995 |
A travellers' history of London, Richard Tames,
The Windrush Press, 1996 |
The archaeology of medieval London, Christopher
Thomas, Sutton publishing Ltd, 2002 |
London sight unseen, Gwyn Headley, Weidenfeld
&Nicholson, 1999 |
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Donnington and Muxton, compiled by
Allan Frost, Tempus Publishing Ltd, 2001 |
Canals of Shropshire, Richard K Morris,
Shropshire Books, 1991 |
Castles of Shropshire, Michael J Jackson,
Shropshire Libraries, 1988 |
Shropshire Airfields, compiled by
Alec Brew & Barry Abraham, Tempus Publishing Ltd, 2000 |
The East Shropshire coalfields, compiled
by Ivor J Brown, Tempus Publishing Ltd, 1999 |
South Telford Ironbridge Gorge, Madely
and Dawley, compiled by John Powell & Michael A Vanns, Tempus
Publishing Ltd, 1995 |
Lost railways of Shropshire, Leslie
Oppitz, Countryside Books, 2004 |
The castles and moated mansions of Shropshire, Mike Salter, Folly
Publications, 2001
The old parish churches of Shropshire,
Mike Salter, Folly Publications, 2001 |
Telford, a pictorial history, George
Evans & Ron Briscoe, Phillimore, 1995 |
The industrial archaeology of Shropshire,
Barrie trinder, Phillimore, 1996 |
Shropshire - an archaeological guide,
Michael Watson, Shropshire Books, 2002 |
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Watching the English
- the hidden rules of English behaviour, Kate Fox, Hodder & Stoughton,
2004 |
Eats shoots and leaves,
Lynne Truss, Gotham Books, 2003 |
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The history of mathematics
- a reader, edited by John Fauvel & Jeremy Gray, Macmillan Press,
1987 |
The structure of the
universe, Jayant Narlikar, OUP, 1977 |
Concise dictionary
of mathematics, Christopher Clapham, OUP, 1996 |
Five equations that
changed the world, Michael Guillen, Abacus, 1995 |
What is mathematics
really?, Reuben Hersh, Vintage, 1998 |
Makers of mathematics, Stuart Hollingdale, Penguin,
1989 |
The man who loved only numbers, Paul Hoffman,
Fourth Estate Ltd, 1999 |
Teach yourself calculus, P Abbott, teach Yourself
Books, 1997 |
The book of numbers, William Hartston, Metro Books,
1997 |
A history of mathematics, Carl B Boyer, John Wiley
& Sons, 1968 |
The mathematical brain, Brian Butterworth, Macmillan,
1999 |
The universal history of numbers, Georges Ifrah,
The Harvill Press, 1998 |
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Britain and her Army, Correlli Barnett,
Cassell & Co. 1970 |
History of the British Army, Charles
Messenger, Bison Group 1986 |
The Oxford Illustrated History of
the British Army, General Editor David Chandler, Oxford University
Press 1994 |
This is really a set of twenty essays
covering the medieval period to the predicted future. |
The Battle Book, Bryan Perrett, Brockhampton
Press 1992 |
A listing of all battles in recorded
history. A good place to start when researching something new. |
Tank Warfare, Christopher Jorgensen
and Chris Mann, Spellmount
Limited 2001 |
Army Records for Family Historians,
Simon Fowler, PRO Publications (PRO Readers' Guide No. 2 |
A Traveller's Guide to the Battlefields
of Britain, Neil Fairburn, Evans Brothers Limited 1983 |
The Ordnance Survey Complete Guide
to the Battlefields of Britain, David Smurthwaite, Webb & Bower
1984 |
Warrior Mechanised Combat Vehicle
1987-1994, Christopher Foss & Peter Sarson, Osprey Publications
1997 |
Challenger Main Battle Tank 1982-1997,
Simon Dunstan & Peter Sarson, Osprey Publications 1998 |
Scorpion Reconnaissance Vehicle 1972-1994,
Chris Foss, Simon Dunstan & Peter Sarson, Osprey Publications
1995 |
Tank, Patrick Wright, Faber and Faber
2000 |
Redcoat - The British Soldier in the
Age of Horse and Musket, Richard Holmes, Harper Collins 2001 |
Annals of a Fortress - twenty-two
centuries of siege warfare, E Viollet-le-Duc, Wren's Park Publishing,
2000 |
fportTranslated from the French original
first published in 1874 |
Discovering Artillery, R J Wilkinson-Latham,
Shire Publications Ltd, 1972 |
Discovering battlefields of England,
John Kinross, Shire Publications Ltd, 1989 |
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The safeguard of the sea - a naval history of
Britain, 660-1649, N A M Rodger, Penguin boks, 2004 |
The command of the ocean - a naval history of
Britain 1649-1815, N A M Rodger, Allen Lane, 2004 |
Nelson's Navy: The
Ships, Men and Organisation 1795-1815, Brian Lavery, Conway Maritime
Press Limited 1989 |
Naval Warfare in the
Age of Sail: The Evolution of Fighting Tactics 1650-1815, Brian Tunstall,
Conway Maritime Press Limited 1990 |
The Ship of the Line:
Volume 1: The development of the battlefleet 1650-1850, Brian Lavery,
Conway Maritime Press Limited 1983 |
The Ship of the Line:
Volume 2: Design, Construction and Fittings, Brian Lavery, Conway
Maritime Press Limited 1984 |
Seamanship in the
Age of Sail, John Harland, Conway Maritime Press Limited 1984 |
Underwater warriors, Paul Kemp, Brockhampton Press,
1999 |
Soviet submarines, Jan Breemer, Jane's Information
Group, 1989 |
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The Scottish Regiments 1633-1996, Patrick Mileham,
Spellmount 1996 |
The definitive history for the Scottish Cavalry
and Infantry. |
Discovering British Regimental Traditions, Ian
F.W. Beckett, Shire 1999 |
A veritable mine of information. |
Wellington's Regiments - The Men and their Battles
1808-1815, Ian Fletcher, Spellmount Limited 1994 |
English and Welsh Infantry Regiments: An Illustrated
Record of Service 1662-1994, Ray Westlake |
A uniquely complete reference to the English and
Welsh line infantry regiments. |
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Armies and Warfare in the Middle Ages - The English
Experience, Michael Prestwich, Yale University Press 1996 |
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The Civil Wars. A Military History
of England Scotland and Ireland 1638-1660, Edited by John Kenyon and
Jane Ohlmeyer, Oxford University Press, 1998 |
The English Civil War 1642-1651 An
Illustrated Military History, Philip Haythornethwaite, AAP 1994 |
The English Civil Wars, Bob Carruthers,
Cassell & Co. 2000 |
Edgehill 1642 - First Battle of the
English Civil War, Keith Roberts & John Tincey, Osprey Publications
2001 |
All the King's Armies: A Military
History of the English Civil War 1642-1851, Stuart Reid, Spellmount
Limited 1998 |
Edmund Ludlow and the English Civil
War, Jane Shuter, Heineman Library 1994 |
Cavaliers and Roundheads: The English
at War 1642-1649, Christopher Hibbert, Harper Collins, 1994 |
Shropshire in the civil war, Terry
Bracher & Roger Emmett, Shropshire Books, 2000 |
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Trafalgar Countdown
to Battle 1803-1805, Alan Schom, Penguin Books 1992 |
The Waterloo Companion,
Mark Adkin, Aurum Press, 2001 |
Waterloo new perspectives,
Davd Hamilton-Williams, Arms & Armour Press 1995 |
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They called it Passchendaele,
Lynn Macdonald, Penguin 1978 |
The Roses of No Man's Land, Lynn
Macdonald, Penguin 1980 |
1914 The Days of Hope, Lynn Macdonald,
Penguin 1987 |
Somme, Lynn Macdonald, Penguin
1993 |
The First Day on the Somme: 1
July 1916, Martin Middlebrook, Penguin 1971 |
Epic Actions of the First World
War, RW Gould MBE, Tom Donovan Publishing 1997 |
Two chapters on Le Cateau. |
A Photohistory of World War One,
Philip J Haythornthwaite, Arms and Armour Press 1993 |
The British Tanks 1915-19, David
Fletcher, The Crowood Press 2001 |
The Guns of August, Barbra W.
Tuchman, Robinson 1962 |
History of the First World War,
Basil Liddell Hart, Papermac 1992 |
Battle Tactics of the Western
Front, The British Army's Art of Attack 1916-1918, Paddy Griffith,
Yale University Press 1996 |
Death's Men: Soldiers of the Great
War, Denis Winter, Penguin 1978 |
The Devil's Chariots: The Birth
& Secret Battles of the First Tanks, John Glanfield, Sutton Publishing
2001 |
Specific References. Many of the World War 1 references contain information
on this battle.
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Mons 1914, The BEF's Tactical Triumph, David Lomas,
Osprey Military 1997 |
A great book including a full ORBAT, maps, photos
etc. |
from Capt Pennyman 5 Feb 1922 |
Primary Source, written by Capt Pennyman to my
Great Grandmother. |
Regimental History |
Excerpt relating to the Battle of Le Cateau, |
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Nothing Less than Victory: The
oral history of D-Day, Russell Miller, Penguin 1993 |
BRIXMIS - untold exploits, Tony
Geraghty, HarperCollins, 1997 |
Bugles and a Tiger - my life in
the Gurkhas, John Masters, Cassell Military Paperbacks, 1957 |
Sniper, Adrian Gilbert, St Martin's
Paperbacks, 1994 |
Aviation Enthusiasts' Data Book,
Bruce Robertson, Patrick Stephens Ltd, 1982 |
Soviet Tanks and combat vehicles
1946 to the present, Steven J Zaloga & James W Loop, Arms &
Armour Press, 1987 |
Technology of Tanks, Richard M
Ogorkiewicz, Jane's Information Group, 1991 |
Fields of deception, Colin Dobinson,
Methuen, 2000 |